Sunday, March 16, 2025

Digital Age What's Wrong With It?


Monday, November 7, 2011

Because of the ever-expanding number of functions and applications the Internet can offer the average web user, advertisers are scrambling just to keep pace with the latest trends but staying on course isn't enough; they must also jump one or two steps ahead of the pack to keep themselves always within arms' reach of their target market.If you own a mobile phone then there's every chance that it already comes with a neat little picture taking device,Taking Photographs has been one of the best ways to help us re capture those treasured moments from the past for a long time now, and if anything today this is even more true.

The digital age is started in second millennium,and it means that every company,shop,or bar,have at least one computer.People stating that technology is the downfall of society. That's what's wrong with the world. We need to go back to a time where we used our brains not a piece of electronics. What a piece of opinion my jez..For the past decade or so, more and more people are sending digital greeting cards and postcards rather than investing in printing. This is quite understandable as digital can be sent faster, made quicker and a lot cheaper. However, if you really look at it, there is still some value do it still? what you think?.....


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