Friday, March 14, 2025

People Are People Too


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I was at the lobby on our school, when i heard some people discussing about Gay Marriage, i was amaze at first up until i remember i had a classmate who are one of them, so i then asked about the thing that i was heard was true, then she begun to share with me some...right then after i understand everything....Everyone deserves to experience the happiness in marriage and the disappointments in divorces. I'm getting tired of all these people trying to prevent gay people from getting married. THEIR PEOPLE TOO! If you don't want gay people in this world, then stop having children you dumb asses! I'm not a lesbian or bi, but I will stand my ground for my friends and family members that are. I will fight for their rights. GAY MARRIAGE APPROVED IN HAWAII MUTHAFAKAS! That's right! Hawaii is now truly a paradise for everyone. I hope all of us will understand them and treat them as normal people.


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