the different positions and dynamics that make up the economy that necessitates work


Thursday, August 23, 2012

This comprehensive collection is not only easily read but manages to avoid simplicity as well as verbosity. The information is presented with clear, concise examples and stories that are easy to relate to. A lot of effort went into the production of this project as evidenced not only by the content but also by the esthetics of the book itself.

Work represents the most far reaching, mature, and ambitious work from the CrimethInc Collective since Days of War Nights of Love. The book features a reimagination of the classic pyramid of capitalism; recreating it for 21st century institutions. The book uses this central metaphor to explain the complex systems that control our daily lives.

This format allows the authors to develop a patchwork critique of particular aspects of the modern capitalist system that - taken as a whole - comes across as a damning expose. Unlike some earlier CrimethInc works, less emphasis is placed on impassioned pleas to drop out. This rhetoric is replaced by serious examinations of the role we all play in furthering systematic oppression, with an eye toward how we might resist this complicity. Admirers of other CrimethInc works will be pleased to find that soaring poetic prose abounds in this volume. The CrimethInc design aesthetic is also in top form here. 


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