Does it add bulk to the slim and trim iPhone 4? Yes, of course it does. How would this tough "Defender Series" case protect the phone if it was just a thin skin? Is the case comparable to the Otterbox Defender Series released for the iPhone 3g and iPhone 3gs? Well, yes and no. The design of this new Otterbox iPhone 4 Defender Series case fits the iPhone 4 like a glove just as the 3g/3gs Otterbox Defender cases fit tightly around those models. The similarities stop with the look and feel of the Otterbox iPhone 4 Defender series case. Clearly the look is different because of the dimensions of the phone itself. But the feel of the case doesn't appear to have the solid "indestructable" feel that the 3g/3gs Otterbox Defender series cases have. I credit this once again to the size of the iPhone 4 as it appears that even more bulk would have been added to the phone had Otterbox applied the exact same shell and skin customized for the iPhone 4. Besides, the iPhone 4 alone is more durable than the 3g/3gs so that tank of a case is not needed. I have had this case protecting my iPhone 4 for quite some time now and have had no issues with it. Even the power adaptor side flap that I've read a few complaints about seals flush with the rest of the case, although it does take a tiny bit of effort to seal.
Do I wish that this phone felt like the 3g/3gs Otterbox "tanks" as I refer to them. Yes! But I love this case and would highly reccomend it anyone. If you don't like the bulk, consider the Commuter Series, but don't expect the same level of protection.
Last comment, yes a little dust will collect on the camera lens/camera flash portion of the case as some reviewers have stated. I have yet to scrub it out and the pictures are still just as brilliant so I refuse to deduct a star for a little dust.
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