Actually I am tiresome a lot to learn the tricks to fix a minor problem so that I can fix it myself. If I take it to a somebody to repair he will absolutely charge me an unreasonable amount for that problem. Usually warranties aren't worth the price you pay for them. I fix my own computers, and most of the times they fail you can fix it reinstalling the working system, of the few times hardware gets damaged the actual price of fixing it (buying new hardware) is a lot less than the price of warranties. And taking into account that a well cared computer doesn't stop working that easily, you end up saving money from learning to fix it yourself. The only way a warranty is useful is if you don't want to learn at all for some reason (it's not that hard but there are people who hate it). If you never really want to do it yourself, then go ahead and extend it, but its far more profitable learning to fix them yourself.
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