As you try the most to confirm the more she will start suspecting .Once she finds that you are real then she will never feel u in that way. Give time for it and don't make yourself tense with that. Its life all these things do happen. Love can not progress with mistrust and doubts. Love also demands reassurance. The previous, by your admission, you have done in full determine. What relics then is the mistrust your Girl Friend carries about you. In my measurement, this is, in a best part of the cases result of insecurity brought about due to crisis of confidence in self or induced by someone with malice or due to the person's predilection. You may need to alter tack a bit, take a little more time at each encounter if you are convinced its not all over and try to find out what it is with her. Is there a sense of insufficiency in her?-for some weird perception? Can you discreetly appraise if someone is poisoning her mind all the time. And most importantly, and this may be very difficult to assess-if she had some prior experience which is creating this crisis of confidence. I think you may have to determine how far you are prepared to go-to set things in shape and actually spend some tender, loving & caring moments!....
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